A580 Landscape Masterplan

TEP was appointed by St Helens Council, to prepare a masterplan for 14km of the A580 through St. Helens. This identified key junction improvements, important views and locations for new boundary treatments, signage and artworks along this important approach and gateway to Liverpool. Strategic locations that could contribute to Mersey Forests wider objectives were also identified.

This led to the production of detailed designs and overseeing the delivery of the works on site. The £455,000 improvements included planting over 600 specimen trees, 24,816 woodland trees and shrubs, 6km of native hedgerow and 3ha of wildflower meadow along the route.

Works were extended to include 6km of the northern section of the A570 to enhance this rural approach to St Helens. 

The schemes won a BALI Award for Soft Landscaping Construction over 1ha in 2009.

A580 landscape masterplan improvements, St. Helens