Restoring Lindow Moss

The Lindow Moss Landscape Partnership (LMLP) is a collaboration between community organisations, landowners, relevant local authorities, academics and charitable organisations. It is committed to working together to map, conserve, and restore the wider Lindow Moss Landscape for the benefit of nature, people and climate.

Supported by funding from the Environment Agency, we are working alongside Groundwork to check for peat presence, depth and condition across the Lindow Moss Landscape Character Area. This is an area of around 460 hectares between Wilmslow and Manchester Airport, an area once covered by the historic Lindow Common. This information will help Groundwork and the LMLP advise landowners about peat presence and opportunities to secure support in managing their land.

The results of the upcoming surveys, together with stakeholder feedback will help to inform the longer term LMLP restoration plan.

For more information regarding the project, please view our project Story Map here. If you have any questions about the surveying or the project itself, then please get in touch via