TEP has assisted one of its housebuilder clients to obtain a Building with Nature Design Award for its residential development of 600 homes in Kidderminster.
The accolade recognises the developer’s efforts to put nature at the heart of the development by designing and delivering a great living environment for both people and wildlife. The Building with Nature framework is designed to encourage sustainable solutions throughout the design, by assessing in detail the approach to green infrastructure, including the proposals for health and wellbeing, water management and improvements to habitats and biodiversity.
Throughout the design process, sustainability has led the way for the site in Kidderminster, with the retention and enhancement of extensive areas of woodland alongside the creation of new spaces for play and recreation and of new habitats such as acid-rich grassland, wildflower meadows and plant species specifically favoured by dormouse.
TEP’s Senior Landscape Architect, and qualified Building with Nature assessor, Anna Miroslaw, worked with the design team to ensure that the landscape design reflected the unique and special character of this site, whilst also creating an environment in which the new community can flourish. The open spaces, play features and active trails have been designed for all to enjoy; sustainable drainage features allow rainwater to replenish the natural water table and carefully selected planting will enrich biodiversity.
The Building with Nature standards, which were developed in partnership with local authorities, private sector developers, people and communities, provide built environment specialists with evidence-based, how-to guidance on delivering high-quality green infrastructure. The award recognises the development at a National level and has assisted the scheme through planning and in meeting a contractual obligation with Homes England.
More information on the Building with Nature Standards can be found here. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us to discuss the Award process in more detail or to learn more from our design team click here.