Wirral Landscape Character Assessment

Wirral Council

TEP undertook a landscape character assessment of Wirral’s coast and countryside. The peninsula, home to 350,000 people has some outstanding coastlines and interesting vistas from sandstone ridges. The area is also characterised by a huge diversity of urban form, ranging from heavy industry and shipbuilding, through to mature low-density suburban development.

The landscape assessment has established a landscape framework to inform future decisions on land allocations and to inform planning decisions.

Landscape character types and individual character areas were identified using GIS datasets. The distinctive characteristics of each area were described and landscape guidelines and management recommendations were set out.

The project included a comprehensive consultation process to ensure the views of local residents and interest groups were considered. A website was created to allow residents to provide feedback.

The project was Highly Commended in the Landscape Institute Awards for Local Landscape Planning. Judges commented that it was “a thorough piece of work, making good use of existing survey materials and delivering a clear set of recommendations”.