Vison for LG3 Letchworth Garden City

TEP’s landscape designers and landscape planners have been supporting Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation with the preparation of an outline planning application for a residential development on the site known as LG3, Land to the East of Talbot Way.

If approved, the scheme will deliver a new residential community with an emphasis on social well-being and sustainable living.  It will provide choices in terms of house types and tenure with gardens and open spaces that promote an active and healthy lifestyle.  Buildings and streets will be designed to reflect the very best of Garden City principles, in terms of both quality and variety.  The development will provide a creative reinterpretation of the principles meeting contemporary living requirements.

TEP prepared a suite of documents including an illustrative masterplan which promotes the use of Garden City principles throughout the design; Garden Streets with features such as raised vegetable planters, seating and playful elements will create a place for shared community activity and friendship.  Accents are created on corner plots where individual buildings are turned to address a view, and on a larger scale, groups of dwellings are orientated to create space for play, social interaction or habitat creation.  In addition, sustainable drainage features, generous species rich verges and lines of trees will further contribute to the sense of place and to a new community that will be recognisably Letchworth.

To read more from our landscape designers click here