New Homes Approved in Cambridge, Bristol and Berkshire

Raleigh Rd, Landscape Design

Our landscape designers have helped secure planning approval for c 750 new homes in growth areas across the south of England.

In Cambridge our designs for green streets, a community garden, sustainable drainage, biodiverse planting and a neighbourhood park form part of the critical green infrastructure for the third and final phase of development at Marleigh, which will see 420 new homes built in east Cambridge. The neighbourhood park, Beta Park offers naturalistic planting, play areas, outdoor café seating, playful topography and a diverse wetland area.

Marleigh Phase 3 Landscape Design
Beta Park, Marleigh


At Beaufort Park in Berkshire our joint venture client will be delivering 220 homes, 50% of which will be affordable, together with a 5ha Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG), necessary because of the site’s proximity to the Thames Basin Heath SPA. The landscape design includes adventure play within the retained surrounding forest and the SANG will be on the doorstep for casual recreation and dog walking. Our Landscape Management Plan (a S106 requirement) sets out the long-term stewardship for the SANG which includes regular grazing by cattle, and the protection of valuable areas of heathland.

Beaufort Park, Landscape Design
Beaufort Park CGI: Photo Credit Wyrd Tree


At Raleigh Road in Bristol, we have designed two new tree lined streets that champion Bristol’s living, climate and ecology priorities whilst building on the sense of community in the area. The site was previously developed land close to the Tobacco Factory, a venue which supports performing arts and independent, local businesses in Southville. The new residential streets were designed in line with the government’s Safer Streets initiative, with features in the public realm that support safe play and social interaction. We have achieved a 20% BNG with biodiverse roofs and native tree and hedge planting.

Raleigh Rd, Landscape Design
Raleigh Road Living Streets