Marleigh Phase 3 has Received Planning Approval

Marleigh Phase 3 Landscape Design

We are delighted to report that Phase 3 of the Marleigh development in the east of Cambridge has been granted planning approval by Cambridge City Council. On behalf of our developer client, TEP worked collaboratively with JTP LLP, and WSP to develop proposals for the parks and green spaces for this final phase of the Marleigh development.

Our proposals include the neighbourhood’s primary park, Beta Park, a new naturalistic urban park and green haven. Beta park offers naturalistic planting, play areas, outdoor café seating, playful topography and a diverse wetland area. The wetland area also provides flood protection for 1 in 100 year flood events. Other Green Infrastructure (GI) includes a new community garden for Marleigh residents and the neighbouring Fison Estate, green corridors with biodiverse planting and plenty of street trees, creating an attractive and vibrant setting for the new homes.

Marleigh Phase 3 Landscape Design
Concept design for Beta Park and surrounding GI
Marleigh Phase 3 Landscape Design
Landscape Masterplan
Marleigh Phase 3 Landscape Design
View across Beta Park towards the outdoor cafe