As part of our commitment to promoting the profession and continual professional development, TEP offer a range of complimentary learning seminars that are available all year around. They cover a variety of topics from all our departments (Arboriculture, Ecology, Environmental Planning, GIS, Heritage, Landscape Design and Landscape Management) and are suitable for developers, local authorities, land owners and those in the construction profession. They can be delivered in your own offices or group sessions can be arranged in our Warrington Location.
Leaning Seminar Subjects:
- Residential Planting Design
- Landscape Design for SuDs, Rain Gardens and Green/Blue Roofs High
- Tree Risk Management Surveys
- Biosecurity Protocols
- BS 5837:2012 and Arboricultural Method Statements
- Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees
- Ecology Risks on Development Projects (and how to avoid them)
- BREEAM – Land Use and Ecology credits
- Invasive Species and Biosecurity
- Habitats Regulations Assessment
- Biodiversity Net Gain and Offsetting Metrics
- Protected Species Licensing
- Introduction to the Environmental Impact Assessment Process
- Landscape and Townscape Visual Impact Assessments
- Green Belt Appraisal
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
- Ecosystem Services (ESS) Opportunity Mapping
- Natural Capital
- Open Space Audits and Assessments
- Green Infrastructure
- Historic Building Survey and Reporting
- Heritage Statements for Built Heritage
- Desk-based Assessments
- Landscape Management Plans
- High Risk Site Management
- Instructing Works
For a detailed summary of the subjects click here.
To take advantage of this service please contact our offices directly or email