We are pleased to announce the recent appointment of two new company directors, Mike Hodgkinson and Lindsey Cunniff.
Mike Hodgkinson joined TEP in 2005, initially taking on the role of Graduate GIS and Graphics Technician. Over the years that followed, he worked within several teams, including Planning, Stewardship, Land Management, ICT and GIS. Since 2018, Mike has jointly managed two teams, helping support the development of the internal systems and infrastructure through the ICT Team, as well as establishing and expanding the GIS Team.
Mike commented, “Working across teams with so many talented staff has allowed me to learn and develop a wide range of skills and knowledge, and to build a sound understanding of the company, its markets, values and people. I have enjoyed developing the various new services via the Innovation Goal within TEP’s Business Plan and supporting the expansion into new markets. I will continue to support staff and grow the business through my new role as Director”.
Lindsey Cunniff began working for TEP in 2005 as an Environmental Consultant for the then Environmental Regeneration Team. In the early stages of her career at the company, Lindsey actively participated in a diverse array of Land Management and Green Infrastructure projects, for a wide range of clients. As Lindsey progressed, her role expanded to encompass broader responsibilities in service delivery, overseeing the provision of Managing Agent services across multiple sites in the North West and Yorkshire.
Lindsey played a pivotal role in establishing TEP’s Milton Keynes office (now relocated to Market Harborough) and maintained active involvement in strategic management, more recently taking the lead in overseeing TEP’s Estate Management Framework for Homes England and spearheading the Land Management Team.
Lindsey remarked, “I am thrilled to be taking on the role of Director and continuing my commitment to TEP. My project, client and management experience will enable me to support staff and grow the business. Mike Hodgkinson and I went to college and university together and I am particularly pleased to be starting this new chapter of my TEP career alongside Mike, supported by the existing and former Directors”.
As Mike and Lindsey step up to the Board, Ian Grimshaw and Francis Hesketh will be stepping down after 27 years of dedicated leadership. Jo Boothroyd is also changing her role, and Ian, Fran and Jo will become Technical Directors, mentoring staff, providing advice to clients and technical expertise within their relevant professions. They will continue to offer guidance to the Board, ensuring that their combined years of management experience and business acumen remain firmly within the business. Our clients can be assured of a smooth continuation of TEP’s successful project delivery approach.