Happy GIS Day!


The 15th November is Annual GIS Day, a perfect and opportune moment to reflect on our GIS team’s achievements from the past year, and look forward to the exciting and engaging projects awaiting the team in the upcoming year.

Our Team

The last 12 months has seen expansion in the GIS team with the arrival of three new team members, bolstering our skills and capabilities in spatial and statistical analysis, web map application development and analysis of remote sensing data. Elin Roberts (London office), Olivia Horsefield (Warrington office) and Isabel Johnson (Market Harborough office) have joined TEP and have given GIS a presence within all our offices nationally. A big welcome to all our new team members, we’re all excited to be developing the skills and expertise to support all the TEP services as well as our own GIS led commissions.

Current Projects

2023 has been a transformative year for the team with several large-scale GIS projects taking advantage of advancements in our updated technology. The success of these projects is testament to the talented team we have here at TEP and the evolution of our GIS skills and services. We have completed a multitude of fascinating GIS-led projects, including BNG desktop mapping support for thousands of sites of a major housing developer as well as a major utilities provider, Natural Capital and ecosystem service evaluation (100+ sites) for a power network operator and analysis of over 4 million parcels, to assess woodland and tree planting opportunity mapping for a local authority with an accompanying web-based GIS tool. TEP has supported many of these projects beyond completion to provide ongoing GIS support, especially with mobile data capture and detailed spatial analysis.

Future Projects

The team has been busy supporting and leading on tenders over the last few months and we are pleased to have been successful on several exciting projects that are due to take place over the autumn and winter months. It’s an exciting time, as we continue to provide support for existing clients as well as exploring new opportunities within the public and private sectors. The new projects span a range of TEP services including BNG, hydrological mapping, baseline desktop habitat mapping and carbon stock value assessments. We’re looking forward to these projects commencing and further increasing our GIS experience and knowledge.

Future Developments

2023 has seen an evolution of the team’s technology provision specifically in the areas of digital data capture, interactive web mapping, spatial analysis, hydrological analysis and ecological network mapping. The team have developed their skills and experience with a range of new technologies to support both GIS and wider TEP services. The year ahead looks to build on the use of these new technologies, expand what we can achieve within them and look for any new applications to support our GIS-led project growth.

Team Building

The GIS team enjoyed a night out in Manchester recently. It’s quite the challenge to get everyone together, so we made the most of it and enjoyed pizzas, drinks and getting trapped in a multi-story car park. We’re looking forward to the upcoming TEP Christmas party and getting together again and raising a glass or two.


If you’re interested in a career in GIS at TEP then keep an eye on our jobs page and social channels, as the team will be looking to grow again to match the increasing demands to the business. Details to be announced soon!
Happy GIS Day everyone!