In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, TEP has planned to protect the health of our colleagues, clients and communities; whilst maintaining a responsive and excellent service.
Our Business Continuity Plan swung into immediate action with a successful move to working remotely. We maintain services in all of our disciplines as we continue with ongoing work, commencing new projects and ensuring we keep a supply of future work.
Following Government advice, all our colleagues will be working from home. Our IT infrastructure allows our people to work remotely without interruption.
Our business continuity plan minimises the risks of disruption as the situation unfolds and includes the following steps:
We continue to review Government and PHE guidance and will update our approach as advice changes.
You can find a more detailed summary of our Business Continuity Plan here.
You can continue to ring any of our offices and the call will route on to a manager.
Or you can email us:
General Inquiries
Ecology Queries
Arboriculture Queries
Landscape and Urban Design Queries
Archaeology Queries
GIS Queries
Planning and EIA Queries
Land Management Queries