Town Planning

Our RTPI qualified team at TEP has significant experience in guiding development proposals, from the feasibility stage through to the discharge of planning conditions. We give strategic advice on proposals, manage consultations and prepare applications for planning consent. This may include the production of supporting materials such as Design and Access Statements. We also provide expert evidence on planning issues at public inquiries and appeals, and underpin all of these processes with our stakeholder engagement services.

TEP is especially skilled in preparing planning applications for developments which may have significant effects on the environment. Our planning team includes experts in Environmental Impact Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal and, supported by our urban design specialists, landscape architects and ecologists, can provide a broad spectrum of advice on the likely environmental and sustainability effects of proposals.

TEP has co-ordinated numerous large projects and delivered consents for residential and mixed use schemes; roads; power generation and transmission projects. We work nationally and overseas and have a strong record with private and public sector clients.

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