Landscape Assessment

Landscape is about more than just how an area looks. The European Convention on Landscape describes it as “our living natural and cultural heritage, be it ordinary or outstanding, urban or rural, on land or in water”. Landscapes underpin our economy, support health and well-being and have unique qualities which contribute to the development of community identities and a sense of place.

TEP has extensive experience of undertaking Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIA). Through LVIAs, we are able to work with our clients to address landscape and visual impact issues at an early stage, ensuring proposals work within the landscape setting, deal effectively with any constraints and are visually acceptable. A project which works with the landscape character of the area is more likely to be acceptable at a local level and to local planning authorities.

Working with our photomontage and visualisation experts, our landscape architects are able to advise on appropriate design and mitigation measures; often leading to appearances at public inquiries to present detailed evidence on development proposals.

TEP also carries out Landscape Character Assessments (LCA) at a Local Authority level, identifying the unique qualities and features of an area which contribute to local distinctiveness. Our LCAs are used in Local Plans, Transport Strategies and Supplementary Planning Guidance to improve the design quality of new development and to promote good countryside management.

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