TEP was commissioned to procure a major programme of tree work in streets, parks and public spaces within Warrington. Works were organised into 15 lots across three contract areas. Work had to be completed during the winter months, to avoid disturbance to wildlife.
Concise tree work schedules were compiled through consultation with the Councils Arboricultural Officer. Accompanying annotated plans provided further detail and clarification to the contractors.
TEP was responsible for the contract preparation which enabled the production of a tailored document specific to the needs of the Council. The document detailed strict quality and safety controls while affording the Council the flexibility to ensure best value. The three awarded contracts, with a value of around £100K, were administered by TEP to ensure the works were carried out to the required best practice standards and within the required timescales for WBC.
The contract document and specification provides an ideal Framework Agreement template for tendering tree and woodland works in the future, encompassing the latest best practice standards and conditions.