Viking Link (UK – Denmark Interconnector)

Viking Link is an electricity interconnector project between Great Britain and Denmark being jointly developed by National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited with its development partner  It comprises an onshore scheme in Denmark made up of a landfall, underground cable and converter station, an offshore scheme comprising approximately 750km of subsea cable and a UK onshore scheme made up of a landfall on the Lincolnshire coast near Sandilands, approximately 55km underground cable and a converter station near Bicker Fen substation to the north-west of Boston.  The Project will enable Great Britain to trade electricity as a commodity with the European Energy Market and is predicted to bring approximately €2.9 billion worth of benefits to British consumers.

TEP was commissioned to provide the ecology and protected species assessment for the UK onshore scheme.  This has comprised input to the site selection of the landfall, converter station and cable route via high level constraints mapping along with detailed surveys of habitats and protected species over a large geographical area using multiple survey teams.

TEP’s work has ensured that protected sites and habitats have been avoided, whilst any potential effects on protected species and those of conservation concern, will be avoided through the micrositing of development, or mitigated to ensure the local ecological resource is not significantly affected by the scheme.