TEP was commissioned by Homes England to provide town planning and masterplanning services, along with ecology and arboriculture surveys to support an outline planning application for residential development as part of the Accelerated Construction programme. Wealstun, north east of Leeds, is a 7.7ha site occupied by a former Prison Officer’s Social Club, open space and unused sports pitch.
The masterplan delivers new homes along with much needed community facilities and comprising 142 dwellings, a community hall, village green and public open space. TEP undertook pre-application discussions along with community consultation and engagement with the Parish Councils.
The landscape led design includes green links to improve recreation and connectivity with the wider open space network, whilst creating three independent development parcels for delivery.
TEP led the multi-disciplinary team with Campbell Reith and provided masterplanning, planning statement, design and access statement, ecology and arboricultural surveys. Campbell Reith consulting engineers managed the process of demolition of the social club buildings and provided ground investigation reports, a drainage strategy and utilities statement. Traffic and Transport reports were provided by Prime with viability and delivery provided by Aspinall Verdi. Outline planning consent has been secured for Phase 1 of the masterplan.