We are delighted to have secured planning permission for a 49.9MWp solar farm on behalf of Qair UK (formerly Green Switch Capital) on land to the west of Tring Road, Wingrave. The solar farm will contribute to the UK’s goal of becoming net zero by 2050 and improve the UK’s energy security.
TEP’s Planners co-ordinated and managed a team of in-house landscape architects, arborists, historic environment consultants and ecologists whilst preparing all planning inputs. TEP managed sub-consultants for transport, agricultural land, ground conditions, noise, flood risk and drainage assessments and glint and glare.
Proposed mitigation was carefully identified in response to the character of the site and its surroundings. The proposals include new tree and hedgerow planting with grass and meadow seeding resulting in a net gain of 65.62% for biodiversity.
During the determination period, TEP liaised with the local planning authority to address comments received by statutory consultees, with the application determined by delegated decision leading to a successful outcome.
If you would like to hear more about our services or require assistance on an upcoming project, please contact TEP’s Planning team at planning@tep.uk.com.